
歷史學系系會Society of Dept. of History Instagram Envelope Enroll Now! Histprospect(歷望), The Society of Department of History, is committed to promote the culture of historical research, fostering all academic and recreational…

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Astronomy Society

天文學會Astronomy Society Instagram Envelope Enroll Now! 香港樹仁大學天文學會舉辦提倡及促進與天文學科相關的學術及康樂活動,加深同學對該學問的認識,發掘其興趣,其次團結本校同學,促進彼此之間的溝通及了解,藉此培養其人際發展及學術交流。再者,本會透過與其他院校的積極聯繫,鼓勵本校與其他院校的同學聯誼。The Hong Kong Shue Yan University Astronomy Society  organizes academic and recreational activities to promote knowledge and to deepen students' understanding on astronomy, as…

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Taekwondo Team


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Choral Society

合唱學會Choral Society Link Instagram Whatsapp Envelope Enroll Now! 樹仁合唱學會創立於2021年,由數位對唱歌有熱誠的社工系同學組成。樹仁合唱希望將「合唱」普及化,讓樹仁同學可以享受一同唱歌的樂趣,增加藝術氣息。透過一同練習及表演的時間,讓同學能認識到志同道合的朋友,為大學生涯注入不同的元素。 HKSYU Choral Society was founded by several social work students who are passionate in singing in 2021. The Society hopes to popularize…

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社會學系系會Society of Dept. of Sociology Instagram Envelope Enroll Now! The Society of the Department of Sociology is a student-led organization formed by Hong Kong Shue Yan University Sociology students. It…

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Putonghua Debate Team

紙上無兵馬卻看得到沙場氣魄,手中無兵刃也聽得見刀劍相搏。 這就是普辯,你能在這裡收穫一直想找到的一種方式: 讓不同的思想與態度平等地交流,不願止步於固步自封的瓶頸,勇敢地打開自我分享觀點。向普辯的世界邁進,它將帶你走向不一樣的人生巔峰!

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Business Investment Society

商業投資學會Business Investment Society Instagram Envelope Weixin Enroll Now! 香港樹仁大學商業投資學會(Business Investment Society),成立於1993年,是香港樹仁大學註冊之學生團體。過往多次參與香港各大專院校舉辦之大型活動,包括早前參與的香港網上模擬投資比賽,工作坊、學術講座、企業探訪等。我們致力為成員打造一個可以交流商業投資相關知識的平台,讓會員瞭解香港乃至不同國家/地區的商業環境。我們歡迎有熱情、有理想的同學加入我們!一起加入商業投資學會,尋找專屬於你的無限潛力!We are Hong Kong Shue Yan University Business Investment Society. Our society is dedicated to providing a platform where members…

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